Thursday, December 28, 2017

Cardarine: Breaking Down a Miracle Drug

Building the perfect physique can be extremely difficult. Everyone wants that perfectly chiseled look, but getting that final polished look can feel impossible even with the help of anabolic steroids. I’ve been a personal fitness trainer for over 10 years, and one of my favorite SARMs for fat loss is a drug called cardarine. It stacks well with other SARMs and compounds, has very little side effects, and is extremely versatile. In fact, I include it in every single cycle I run due to it’s high amount of cardiovascular benefits while on cycle. Cardarine is also great for it’s hardening effect and increased vascular efficiency.

What is Cardarine?

Cardarine is truly a unique drug that has numerous uses but is primarily utilized for weight loss. This particular drug, that’s also known by the name GW-501516, is identified as being a unique medication that binds to the PPAR receptor present in your body. It is well-known that drugs that target the PPAR receptor directly impact the metabolic rate of your body. When you take cardarine, it binds to the PPAR receptor and actually forces your body’s metabolic rate to increase. This alone increases how much fat you burn on a daily basis, and also improves cardiovascular endurance.

Cardarine was first synthesized by Ligand Pharmaceuticals and GlaxsoSmithKline in the early 1990s. They theorized that this drug could help prevent obesity and even cure diabetes. While results seemed promising, their human trials ended and they decided not to pursue this SARM further. It was found that in high doses, cardarine caused cancer in rats.

Does Cardarine Cause Cancer?

When Ligand and GSK ran their clinical trials on mice, they were going in blind. They had no idea what doses were going to be effective, so they injected mice with 2000mg per day for a total of 2 years. First of all, that’s an insanely high dose. Most people run an average dose of 20mg per day, and they only run cycles for 8 weeks. Unfortunately the damage had already been done when the news had broke, and they ceased trials of gw-501516. It wasn’t until 10 years later that bodybuilders and athletes started using this compound to get a competitive edge. As of 2018, there have not been any reports of cancer in users. Not a single one.

Benefits of Cardarine

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about the benefits of Cardarine. There were a lot of positive findings in the initial studies that can be beneficial to understand. This particular compound is extremely versatile and has many uses. Most people find that gw-501516  is a great tool for recomp and cutting cycles, but the truth is that you can use cardarine on a bulk too.

Cardarine helps lower body fat %

Another advantage of GW-501516 comes from it’s ability to raise the natural metabolic rate. By doing this, your body will burn more fat automatically. Many bodybuilders and pro athletes use cardarine to get that final “polished” look before a show. It is an extremely effective SARM for this purpose. Some people say it is as good as Anavar for fat loss. I personally use cardarine in all of my cutting cycles, due to the fact that it helps me shed off those last few stubborn pounds. I typically use it after I’m done with my winter bulk and as I lead up into my summer cut.

Increased cardio endurance

This is probably my favorite aspect of cardarine. Everyone hates cardio, including myself. Luckily for people like me, cardarine has the ability to actually increase your cardivascular endurance. What this means is that cardio (running, cycling, swimming) gets easier when you’re on this SARM. I gave it a test and after taking cardarine for 12 weeks, I was able to run a 10 mile race with very little difficulty. Normally I run around 3 miles before I start getting tired, but with GW-501516 I felt like I could go forever.

Lowered Risk of Diabetes

Remember those studies GSK did on rats taking cardarine? One of the findings resulted after giving them unhealthy diets along with a dose of cardarine. What they found was shocking. In the control group (rats not taking any SARM), they found that the rate of diabetes skyrocketed. However, in the group that was given cardarine, the risk for diabetes actually went down. This happened regardless of the bad diet. Cardarine has shown it’s ability to keep users from gaining body fat even when eating a lousy diet.

Cardarine for Recomping

A “recomp” is when you have the goal of losing fat while gaining muscle mass. This sarm (and maybe YK-11 too) is your best option for such a goal. My recommendation would be to stack cardarine and ostarine or yk-11 together to get a synergistic effect. You’ll have no problem losing body fat while gaining  muscle mass if you throw in a high protein diet, lift consistently, and run a few times a week.

What is the best Cardarine dosage?

If you’re thinking about running GW-50151  in your next cycle, you want to make sure you do it correctly. The normal dose for cardarine is 20mg per day. Most suppliers will supply cardaine in a dose that is similar to this, so it should be easy to take once you get your hands on it. You can take it with or without food. It does not matter either way. Also, I highly recommend getting a liquid solution instead of a capsule or pill form. Usually the liquid solutions are much more stable and will retain their dose better.

What is the half life of cardarine?

Cardarine has a half life of around 22 hours. Because of this, you only need to dose it once per day. If your supplier gives it in 10mg doses, you can also dose cardarine morning and night to keep blood plasma levels steady throughout your cycle.

Before and After Results of Cardaine

Depending on your cycle goals, you’ll want to know what kind of results to expect of cardaine. Because this SARM has so many different uses, it really comes down to how you plan on using it.  Here are some before and after pics I found to give you an idea of what you can look forward to:

cardarine before and after

cardarine cycle

As you can see, most people tend to lose around 5 to 10lbs of fat. You can also see the polished look I was talking about before. If you stack with ostarine, you can achieve much more muscle mass while continuing to lose some fat as well.

Where to buy Cardarine online

Cardarine is for sale at numerous websites and online vendors. They will all label this SARM “for research use only”. Cardarine is not approved for human consumption by the FDA. With that being said, I highly recommend buying from Proven Peptides. They’re one of the only places that lab tests their materials to make sure that you’re getting what you pay for. Some shady companies spike their products with steroids which are cheaper to produce. Definitely avoid those companies.

Commonly asked questions

If you have any questions regarding this SARM that I didn’t already answer here, feel free to post in the comments below and I will address it. I promise to answer anyone who has a legit question. With that being said, here are some of the more commonly asked questions I get asked.

How long does it take cardarine to kick in?

Typically it takes about 2 weeks to start noticing the increased cardiovascular endurance. You’ll notice things like running become much easier after two weeks of taking a 20mg dose. Fat loss is gradual, but you should really see a difference around a month in.

Will cardarine shut me down?

No it will not. That is one of my favorite parts about this SARM. It does not interfere with your body’s natural testosterone production.

Do I need a PCT for Cardarine?

Nope. As stated above, GW-501516 will not affect your HPTA system at all. Your body will not shut down at all like it will with steroids.

Does Cardarine cause gyno?

NO! It does not touch anything that regulates estrogen. Therefore, gynocomastia is not an issue or anything to worry about. If you got gyno from cardarine, your source was bunk and likely spiked with steroids.

How long is a good cardarine cycle?

You should take GW-501516 for around 8 weeks as you see fit. I’ve extended my cycles up to 20 weeks with no big issue. It’s also great if you’re on trenbolone, because it can counteract the endurance issues caused by that. I will normally take it anywhere from 12 to 20 weeks. Others suggest around 8 weeks. Always listen to your body and see how you feel.

Closing thoughts

I hope you’ve enjoyed this guide on cardarine. My aim is to always educate and help people make good choices. If you have any question about this sarm, or any sarm in general, post it in the comments section below. As always, we want to hear about your experiences. Please post all tips, suggestions, and reviews in the comments below.

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