Friday, December 8, 2017

LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): Ultimate SARM for Muscle Growth

LGD 4033 (also known as ligandrol) is one of the most popular SARMs on the market today. Although it is not a steroid, it has the ability to increase muscle mass very quickly. Because of this, it is extremely popular in the fitness and bodybuilding and fitness communities. Today we will look at this SARM in depth, including safety consideration when incorporating LGD-4033 into your cycle.

What is LGD 4033

LGD 4033 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. Basically, it is a compound that targets specific androgens in the body. In this case, it specifically targets muscle growth and increased bone density. LGD 4033 is able to do this without increasing prostate size, which is one of the more common side effects of using anabolic steroids.

In a nutshell: ligandrol helps you build muscle mass without a ton of side effects. It has also been shown to not be nearly as suppressive as testosterone, which means you can cycle it without having fear of long term shutdown.

Because of the legality of SARMs, you can only buy LGD 4033 online as a research chemical. This is how companies get away with selling it legally. Until it is approved by the FDA, this will be the only way to buy LGD 4033 online.

Is LGD 4033 Safe?

There have been multiple studies done on this compound in the last few years. Each one has shown the following:

  • LGD 4033 has very little toxicity in the body
  • Subjects who were given this SARM increased lean body mass (muscle) and bone density)
  • Mild suppression of testosterone when taken for long periods of time.

Side Effects

There have not been many side effects reported with this particular sarm. It does not appear that LGD causes any hair loss or male pattern baldness. In clinical trials, it was shown that prostate size was not effected. What about gyno? People always ask me that. The great thing is that SARMs do not convert to estrogen, so gyno is not an issue.

How to Correctly Dose LGD-4033

Ligandrol is a relatively new compound, but after many user experiences, people have found the “sweet spot” for dosing to be around 10mg per day. In clinical trials, doses as low as 1mg per day were shown to increase lean body mass. Anything higher than 10mg per day usually causes side effects (explained below). A good break down of an LGD 4033 cycle is as follows:

First week: 2mg in the morning, 3mg at night.

Second week: 3mg in the morning, 3mg at night.

Third Week: 5mg in the morning, 5mg at night.

Week 4 through six: Continue the same protocol as week 3.

I usually suggest keeping cycles at 6 weeks. The reason I like to ramp up the dosage slowly is to give the body time to adapt to the compound and measure side effects. Because studies show that LGD is effective even at doses as low as 1mg per day, there’s no reason to jump right into 10mg per day right off rip. More experienced users can go up to 8 or even 12 weeks, just make sure you follow a proper PCT protocol when you come off in order to get your natural testosterone levels back up to par.

What about cutting?

I usually don’t advise using this SARM for cutting. Studies show it doesn’t have much effect on lowering bodyfat. Consider cardarine and ostarine if you want to do a good cutting stack. If you must use ligandrol for cutting, I would advise a very low calorie diet along with high cardio and 10mg per day. Doing this will allow you to preserve muscle mass in your caloric deficit.

What Gains Can I Expect from LGD 4033?

The gains from LGD 4033 are usually pretty rapid. Most users seem to find themselves adding around 10lbs or muscle over the course of a 4 to 6 week cycle. It is important to keep your protein intake very high during this time. This sarm is incredible at increasing protein synthesis.

With that being said, make sure you work out hard, keep your protein intake high, and get adequate sleep. By doing this, you will achieve the results you’re looking for.

Before and After Pics

I looked around the internet for before and after pictures. Here’s what I found for people taking LGD 4033:

Before and After LGD 4033

As you can see, the results of a cycle can be very drastic if done correctly.

Buy LGD 4033 Online

Buying ligandrol from a reputable source online can be difficult. There are a lot of fakes out there. Many companies are actually selling dangerous prohormones labeled as SARMs to unsuspecting customers. Because of this, I only suggest buying from Proven Peptides. Proven Peptides has their batched independently tested. You can find the results on their website.

LGD 4033 Capsules vs Pills vs Liquid

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Most people selling LGD-4033 pills are selling fakes. Why? Because this SARM in particular is not very stable in powder form.  Proven Peptides only sells liquid solutions for this reason. Simply measure out your dose with the included dropper, put it in your mouth, and swallow. I find it easy to wash down with water or milk, too. It doesn’t taste any worse than your normal liquid medications.


There are tons of reviews out there. What you’ll find across the internet will all be very similar. The truth is that LGD 4033 causes quick muscle growth with very little side effects. There has been people out there who have abused this sarm in the same way a rookie abuses steroids. You simply need to listen to your body.

If you’re looking to increase the amount of muscle mass on your body, ligandrol is the sarm for you.

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